Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Unconscionable Lie that Bush and Prince Abdullah were meeting to find ways to reduce soaring oil and gas prices

Bush and Cheney are responsible for the outrageous cost of gas at the pump, not indirectly, not peripherally, but directly responsible for the gluttonous gas prices.

Sound unbelievable?

Read on.

Bush owns and controls the Saudis to do exactly what he and Cheney tell them to.

Here’s the proof.

Few people know that before the preemptive and illegal invasion of Iraq, a vast number of previously unknown oil reserves were found, making Iraq the richest oil producing nation in the world (over 250 billion barrels), surpassing even Saudi Arabia, who has not found a new oil reserve since the 1970s.

Before the invasion, America and Britain were frozen out of the Iraqi oil fields.

· Russia had the West Qurnah oil field,
· China had the Rumalyah Reserve
· France had two of Iraq’s largest fields - the Majnoon and Nahr Bin Omar.

The only way Bush could take control of these oil reserves, plus the new ones, was to invade Iraq and then occupy it as an American oil colony. Sound unbelievable?

Before Bush was even sworn in as President, he had already approved the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and drawn up detailed plans of occupation. These plans included – again, before he was even sworn in – the building of 14 military bases in Iraq alone. Not 2, 3, or 5, which would have been a staggering number for an invader who wanted to get out as quickly as possible, but 14.

In addition, the design called for building the largest embassy in the world (6,000 people). 6,000 people for a country the size of Iraq we were just going to be in temporarily?

No – with 14 permanent military bases we not only owned all of Iraq and its superrich oil fields, we controlled, i.e. owned every country in the Middle East, for who could dare oppose the military might of America spread out over 14 military bases within a stones throw of every Middle Eastern capital. With such power Bush controlled not only Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and every one else in the Middle East, and that included complete control of OPEC.

Here’s why Bush and Cheney are directly responsible for the soaring gas prices.

The design for occupying Iraq included – and again this was before he was even sworn in as President – a two-phase plan to control oil prices.

The first phase was to order OPEC to agree that during Bush’s first term OPEC would put a low end cap on oil, and never let it drop below $40/barrel, such as Kuwait did before the first Gulf War by glutting the market so that oil dropped to a pitiful $7/barrel. OPEC put that policy in place, and though word of it leaked out stuck to that policy.

The second phase, if Bush was elected to a second term, was negotiated through Prince Bandahar and the same Crown Prince Abdullah Bush was posing with yesterday.

That phase would push oil to $65-75/barrel, and gas prices to $3.50-$4/gallon by the Summer of 2005. By the Summer of 2006, oil would reach $75/barrel, and a gallon of gas would climb to between $4.50-$5/gallon.

However, just before the elections, in September of 2006, gas prices would drop, so that the Republicans could gain even more control over the House and Senate.

Need proof that Bush had these detailed plans before becoming President? The proof is in the pudding in what actually happened. How many permanent military bases are there in Iraq today? 14. How big is the mega-million dollar embassy being built? Big enough for 6,000 people. And what are the gas prices at your local pump? Do not believe all of the bull spit about increased demand in China, etc. It’s oil gluttony pure and simple, as Chevron toasting their all time record profits tells even the most unconscious Bush devotee.

I am personally offended, no – nauseated – when I see the front page of the Los Angeles Times, and other newspapers, showing a picture of Bush and Prince Abdullah holding hands as they supposedly seek solutions to help so many millions of Americans truly suffering because of the absurd gas prices creating windfall profits for the House of Saud and the House of Bush. (Incidentally, Craig Unger’s book, House of Bush, House of Saud is a must read for everyone who wants to stop this takeover of America’s government by these multi-national corporations.)

Next: We’ll take up the filibuster, Bolton, and what defines a Neo-Fascist mentality and government.
For more: go to


At 4:32 AM, Blogger Ron Brynaert said...

I just read the Times article...can't believe you have a blog...I hope you update it.

Billy Jack kicks ass. I'll definitely link to you at my blog.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Mumon K said...

Nice blog - keep it up!

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


I've been a fan of BJ for most of my life, but must admit that I've never seen the other 3 movies of the series - until last night. My wife and I rented "Trial . . ." through Netflix, and watched it last night. I was struck with the observation that Billy's spiritual journey was as important to the story as any events going on around them. Do you offer coaching or training for those interested in the spiritual journey? Thanks.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger George Lunt said...

Why haven't you kept up with your blog? I'd like to see more.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger said...


Sorry, haven't read a whole lot of your material yet, but wanted to send you this note.

I wanted to express my opinion as to how interesting it would be to read the story of you and your wife's life. Perhaps I'll find it already produced in some media after an internet search - or through your site.

thanks for the work you do,

[Inspiration for finding your site = re-watched "Billy Jack." Please accept my belated admiration of such a magnificent film.]

At 7:37 AM, Blogger said...

don't ever give up.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger said...

i understand, and disagree with your post, lewis.

i have nothing else to say (or argue) - other than making known that i disagree with you.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Gravity Arch Media said...

As to Lewis' "facts", show us a bibliography, dude. Otherwise your "facts" are still just opinion. At least Tom, whether you agree with him or not, offers to show his work, ie: he tells you where to find the original info upon which he bases his opinion.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Gravity Arch Media said...

By the way, to Tom, Delores (you sound wonderful with Frank on the 35th Anniversary DVD's) if you're interested in seeing what the great actor Victor Izay (Doc) has been doing recently; he helped me a great deal by playing the starring role of William Mulholland in my self-produced film "A TEST OF INTEGRITY." Vic and I have been friends since 1978, and he's worked on a number of my projects. Currently he lives in Albuquerque, NM, and has recently acted and done voice-overs in local PBS shows on the history of that area.
You can see lots of images of him as Mulholland on my Gravity Arch Media website, at...
just look under the title, "A TEST OF INTEGRITY."
Thanks, Tom and Delores, for all your work, and for allowing me to post this shameless plug for my site and movie.
Live Long and Prosper
Pony R. Horton

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Daniel Taverne said...


I see it's been a while since you posted here, so I can only hope that you read this.

I want to say that I really appreciate your work. When I was a kid in the early 70's, I was in aw with your fight scenes. Now, I'm in aw of how much more inflective your films are. I realize this may not be the "official" format for contacting you, but somehow I don't think you'll mind.

I'm a legally blind veteran, 39 years old, a martial artist (Korean Hapkido (Jun-tu-do), and I can really work a staff, even blindfolded with a lot of release techniques that you might find interesting.

If you ever get to making another movie and need a good guy or bad guy who can work a staff while being blind, give me a call. I'm sure that you can find me, if you want... I'd rather not leave my contact info here.

I'm slightly out of shape now since I've become afflicted with a condition but I'm working on getting back to par.

My brother and I both enjoyed your movies, each time I watch them, they take me back to my child hood.

Too bad that we as a society have thumbed our nose at nature.. she's retaliating though, and collectively I think we're going to pay.

Bless you and yours

may you live knowing peace and love.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger LongLiveNativeAmericans said...

Who are you talking about?

At 7:56 PM, Blogger M Hamburg said...

to Lewis the blogger.

Are you retarded (in the "wish i had a brain" sense, not the handicapped sense)?

To correct your points, and i will take them one at a time.

1. Though oil is traded as a commodity you can influence/control the price by OWNING and CONTROLLING the supply. If Iraq invaded Florida and controlled our orange supply, they could control the prices. More to the point, OPEC sets prices...not the users (demand) that usually keeps prices in check in normal markets (supply). This is why oil prices dropped when Kuwait dropped prices to $7 a barrel...till Bush and OPEC put an end to that.
The fact remains that the big oil companies made 24 cents a gallon profit for they make nearly 80 cents a gallon profit, and enjoy the largest tax breaks in history thanks to Bush and Co.

Last year Exxon made more money in profit than ANY company in the world in all of history...wake up and take an economics class before you claim to know all.

2.Quit watching ONLY Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and believing that their OPINIONS are FACTS...there were, in fact, ZERO terrorist training camps in Iraq PRIOR to our invasion and the huge vaccuum of power it created. We PUT Saddam Hussein in power for that very reason...that a totalitarian dictator that would not tolerate ANY form of rebellion would kill and imprison any and all violators to his political agenda. There was NO connection between Al Queda, the Taliban and Saddam Hussein...just the lies and mis-information from the likes of Oreilly, Hannity and Limbaugh. Quit being a puppet of the Bush regiem and think for yourself with HONEST FACTS.

3.refer to #1...and by the way, I don't HAVE to eat Cambell's soup if I don't like the price....but we ALL need petroleum products and don't have a choice but to pay the price...

4. LIAR....Gore had more than 500,000 votes than Bush in the popular vote...and it was proven that the voting machines by Dibold (used all throughout Florida) could be pre-set with votes for Bush as long as it had the same number of votes in the negative for Gore. That is why their was one county that showed Gore received -20,000 votes...and it is the ONLY expenation for NEGATIVE vote count. Take into considration that ONLY the counties with high Democratic demographies were effected by the "chad" bulls#*t....again you are a puppet that agrees with your daddy Bush no matter what he does.

5. see #4....and when YOUR vote gets thrown out because your chad hung on by a billionth of an inch but is OBVIOUSLY the ONLY hole in the card, thus causing your man to lose I don't want to hear one word out of your whining mouth.

6. I don't care what Russia and France do...we are supposed to be the righteous ones who stand up for the downtrodden of the world...what happened to that?

7. Don't blame the UN for being right all along and there being no WMD's or nuclear devices in Iraq...blame Bush for lying to the world that there were...and slap Sean Hannity for STILL insisting they exist. This is the ONLY place that the world can stand up and have a voice against the worlds super powers. By the way, Thirld World does NOT mean poor...the term comes from the follwing.
If you sided yourself with the US, you are considered a 1st world country.
If you sided with the USSR, you were considered a 2nd world country.
If you didn't side with either you were considered a 3rd world country. It has nothing to do with size or affluence....Switzerland is a 3rd world country. When you go to take that economics class, enroll for a history class to go along with it...and maybe a philosophy class wouldn't hurt you either, it teaches you to think for yourself.


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